Dynamic & Athletic
Select this program if you:
Want to improve your athleticism, strength and body composition
Have experience with weight training
Know how to calculate your 5, 3 or 1 rep max
Are comfortable calculating percentages of your 1 rep max
Have no limiting injuries that would prevent you from running, jumping or lifting weights
Have access to basic workout equipment found at most commercial gyms (dumbells, barbells, gym machines etc…)
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- On The Go Access– your workout routine and meal plan are right on your smartphone, iPad or computer!
- Training Calendar –set up by your trainer so you always know what to do and when!
- Video Exercise Demonstrations-not sure how to do an exercise? Our built-in videos demonstrate every exercise in your training plan
- Workout Logging-Log your reps and weight! Your trainer will review your workouts and adjust your plan to keep you moving forward and busting through plateaus!
- Body Stat Tracking-view your progress over time and actually see your success!
- Results Graphing-see how far you’ve come and share with friends!
- In-app Messaging -have a question about your workout? Send your trainer a message!
- MyFitnessPal Integration-Log what you eat in MyFitnessPal and your trainer can view it in your Mobile Training account to keep you accountable and adjust your diet plan as needed!
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